Grzegorz Szczepaniak

“You glorify the foreign, you do not know your own”. Only few cities have such a beautiful history and such interesting sights as Żywiec City. Whoever gets to know it better, walks along the local tourist and thematic trails, will certainly see through it and confirm what I am talking about," explained Mr Grzegorz Szczepaniak ,very experienced Beskid tourist guide and author of the well-known book" “Żywiec Hiking Trials” during the meeting at the Żywiec Municipal Library on 12th of October. Tourist guide around Żywiec and the city's tourist attractions, met with  Żywiec citizens to share his knowledge and feelings about his beloved town.
Everyone knows, that Żywiec has a very rich history, but when you ask anyone about the details and examples-  it gets harder. That is why Mr Grzegorz Szczepaniak also present historical trivia related to the Komorowskich or Habsburgs Families, or even the royal Waza family. He also shared his knowledge of the city's tourist potential and advised on where to go and what to see in the so-called “secret places”.  He also talked about the general information about the City: It turns out, that not everyone knows how many people live nowadays in Żywiec City, or at what altitude the town is located. Visitors were able to find out everything, talk to the guide, look at his photos and even taste the delicious "Żywiec fudges" that Maria Krystyna Habsburg wrote about in her diaries.
Mr Szczepaniak has  joined the distinguished group of people who can certainly call themselves 'Ambassadors of Żywiec City'. Mr Mariusz Hujdus,  Żywiec Municipality spokesman pointed, that there are more such people.  "I am an Ambassador of Żywiec" is one of more than 40 activities undertaken as part of the SMART Żywiec - (r)evolution project, funded by the European Economic Area. The project has already included a meeting with Mrs Dorota Firlej, Curator of Municipal  Museum in Żywiec, Paweł Ignatowicz concert, Żywiec native, who now performs in New York City.
More Żywiec Ambassadors will be announced soon, and we look forward to meeting them.


Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/917-about-habsburgs-beskidy-and-fudges